Devout Members of the Church...
As any other good French-Canadian families, the Choquette's have contributed
their fair share of brothers, nuns and priests to the Church. It is of course
impossible to mention them all, but here are some biographies that were recorded
in history books (that of vicar Jospeh-Eugene Choquette
is noted separately):
S.E. Mgr Maurice Choquet, c.s.c.
- "Vedettes", the French version of Who's Who, states about
Mgr Choquet in its 1962
edition: Auxiliary-Bishop of Cap-Haïtien, member of the Holy-Cross
congregation born in Montreal on October 2nd 1920. Ordained priest on June
24th 1944 by H.E. Mgr Joseph Charbonneau. Missionary in Haïti from
1945. Founder of the Haïtian religious order "Les Soeurs de Notre-Dame
d'Haïti" and preacher at numerous religious ceremonies in the
diocese of Cap-Haïtien. On June 11th 1959, he was named Bishop of Diospolis
Inferior and auxiliary of Cap-Haïtien: consecrated in Saint-Joseph
Oratory in Montreal by H. Em. Cardinal Paul-Emile Leger, on September 15th
Bishop Choquet passed away
recently, and the obituary column about him permitted us to gain some insight
on his long career : "He returned to Canada in 1970, where he is Chaplin
at the Sister of St-Francis-of-Assisi in Charlesbourg (1970-1973), Pastor
of Saint-Dominique of Hawkesbury (1973-1976), Chaplin at Ottawa's General
Hospital (1976-1980), then Chaplin at Elizabeth-Bruyere Health Center (1980-1990).
He retires in 1990." He died November 15, 1996 after a long illness,
and he was buried at the Congregational Cemetery in St-Laurent, on November
18, 1996.

Charles-Philippe Choquette
- Mgr Charles-Philippe Choquette
was prelate, educator, naturalist, astronomer and historian. Born in Beloeil
(1856-1947). 6th Superior of Saint-Hyacinthe Seminary from 1904 to 1913.
Author of books on the city and Saint-Hyacinthe Seminary.
Source: "References
biographiques Canada-Quebec" - Vol. 2, by Louis-Alexandre Belisle,
Les editions de la famille canadienne limitee, Montreal, 1978).
(Photo courtesy of Jim Choquette, Austin,
Elisée Choquet
first vicar of Ste-Anne-de-Varennes Parish, Elisée
Choquet was born in Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours (Richelieu) on April 30th
1900. After completing his studies at the Sulpicians, he became assistant
priest of La Prairie on August 30th 1923. Then, in 1924-1925, he studied
at Canadian College in Rome. Back in Quebec, he served as assistant priest
in Saint-Eusebe, Sainte-Clothilde, Laprairie and Longueuil. After which
he became vicar in Delson, Saint-Edouard and Saint-Isidore, Laprairie County.
In 1962, he was posted to Sainte-Anne de Varennes. He resigned on June 2nd
1970. He died on May 14th 1972. Vicar Choquet was impassioned with historical
research. He organized the Tercentenary celebrations
of the arrival of Nicolas Choquet in Canada.
(Source: Tercentenary Souvenir Album of Sainte-Anne de Varennes Parish,
1692-1992, by Mario Filion).
Marie-Thaïs Choquette (Sister Marie-Joséphine)
- Sister (1842-1932).
Mother Superior of Notre-Dame Congregation from 1913 to 1917. (Source: "References
biographiques Canada-Quebec" - Vol. 2, by Louis-Alexandre Belisle,
Les editions de la famille canadienne limitee, Montreal, 1978).
Robert Choquette
- The Dictionnaire de l'Amerique Francaise, Francophonie nord-americaine
hors-Quebec, published by the Presses de l'Universite d'Ottawa, tells
us that Robert Choquette,
born in Ottawa October 1st 1938, is a professor and a historian. Doctor
in theology from the University of Chicago, he teaches at the same time
religious sciences, in particular religious history, and the Franco-Ontarians
history at Ottawa University beginning in 1966. A tireless researcher and
much sought-after lecturer, he published numerous articles and gave several
conferences on religious history. See le Fonds Robert Choquette at the Centre de recherche
en civilisation canadienne-française (Ottawa University).
Some names of our religious history, picked up here and there...
- Miss Osias Choquette
was Organist of Saint-Gregoire-le-Grand Church: "with the salary of
15 piastres that she was offered, she would add her part of the fees and,
if at the end of two months, the Vicar and the Churchwardens judge that
she does not have the necessary abilities to fulfill adequately her duties,
they will have the right to dismiss her without salary for the two month
trial period! This is what you would call "being on probation"...
Trade-unionism is not yet ready to appear on the horizon!
Miss Choquette was Organ Master until 1896. She received as compensation
for 1893-94, the sum of 25 piastres; for 1894-95, 30 piastres; for 1895-96,
15 piastres."
(Source: A Few Pages of Saint-Gregoire, Iberville County, by Marcel
Gauthier, Societe d'Histoire du Haut-Richelieu, 1981).
- Extracts from Yvette Choquet, family history,
in the Tercentenary Souvenir Album of Sainte-Anne de Varennes Parish,
1692-1992, by Mario Filion: Father Claude
Choquet, of the Trinitarian brotherhood, was ordained priest on January
6th 1963. He was Canadian Provincial during 6 years. This obedience brought
him to head the Trinitarian Houses in Quebec and particularly those missions
of: Madagascar and Guatemala.
Being obligated to attend the different meetings at the Sacred College
in Rome, Claude had the honour of meeting privately Pope Jean-Paul II on
numerous occasions. Since May 17th 1989, he is the Councillor in Paris with
the specific task of promoting the secular Trinitarian in the nineteen countries
where it is present. In addition, he is Superior and Choir-Master of the
house where he resides in Paris.
Some ordinations and vocations:
- Brother Pierre Choquette, Brother of Sacré-Coeur
since 1971 (see collaboration)
- Sister Ste-Rosalie (Marie Odina Choquette), nun for les
Adoratrices du Précieux-Sang, and missionnary of Notre-Dame-des-Anges.
(See biography)
- Sister Marie Adona Hélène Choquette
(dite Marie-de-l'Incarnation) (See biography)
- Robert Choquet, ordained
in 1988. Monk at St-Benoît du Lac in Quebec.
- Elzéar Choquet,
Ordained March 14th 1891, in Varennes
- Félix Choquette,
Ordained May 29th 1915
- Louis-Philippe Choquette,
Ordained December 21st 1901
- Wilfrid Joseph Choquette,
Vicar of Springfield, Mass., USA
- Sister Marie Alphonsine
Choquette, Grey Nun
- Sister Cyrille (Zéphirine
Choquette), Sister of the Providence
- Sister Sainte-Reine (Rosa
Choquette), Sister of Mercy
- Sister Marie de Sales, de la Visitation (Marie
Eva Choquette), Soeurs de la Visitation
- Sister Ste-Catherine-de-Sienne, (Bernadette
Choquette), Congrégation Notre-Dame-des-Anges.
- Sister Marcelle-de-Jésus (Marie
Paule Choquette), Soeurs des Saints-Noms-de-Jésus-et-de-Marie.
- Sister Blanche Marie (Gisèle
Choquette), Soeurs des Saints-Noms-de-Jésus-et-de-Marie.
- Sister Lucienne Choquet,
possibly "hospitalière de St-Joseph"
- Sister Marie Ste-Augustine (Marie Théodosie Rose Alma Choquette)
- Sister Jean-Paul (Marie Alma Eva Choquette) Soeurs de
la Présentation de Marie
- Sister Maria Martha Louisiana Choquette
- Joseph André
Jacques Iréné Choquette, Congrégation
de Ste-Croix
- Joseph Lucien
Gérard Robert Choquette, Congrégation
de Ste-Croix
- Sister Marie Marguerite Thérèse Choquette, Soeurs St-Joseph
- Sister St-Eustache (Marie Valentine Choquette)
- Sister Marie Louise Léonie Choquette,
Soeurs du Précieux-Sang
- Sister Marie Arsélie Amélia Choquette,
Soeurs du Précieux-Sang
- Sister Louise Choquet, c.s.c.
- Sister Eugénie Choquette, Soeurs Grises
de Montréal
- Sister Marie Séraphie (Ursule Choquette)
- Sister Ste-Rosanna (Marie Rose Anne Choquet)
- Sister Ste-Salomée (Marie Anne Choquet)
- Sister Alma Choquet
- Sister Virginie Choquette
- Sister Marie Victoire Choquette, Soeurs de
la Charité de l'Hotel-Dieu
- Sister Madeleine-de-la-Croix (Marie Albina Louise Choquette)
- Sister Rose de Lima (Cordélie Joséphine Choquet)
- Sister Saint-Aimé Choquette, Soeurs
de l'Assomption de Nicolet
- Sister Marie Dieudonné (Marie Anne Philomène Choquette)
- Louis Philippe
- Frère Joseph (Roméo Choquette), marionist,
born in Salix, Iowa
- Sister Marie Ste-Delphine (Marie Anne Choquette)
- Sister Ste-Elisabeth,
Fond. Soeurs de la Providence
- Sister Marie Caroline Françoise Choquet,
Soeur Hospital St-Joseph, Hôtel-Dieu
- Sister Fernande Sacré-Coeurs (Fernande Choquette)
- Joseph Agis
Choquette, priest
- André
Choquette, priest
- Charles
Edouard Victor Choquette, priest
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